Download Python Steps to be follow to download python within less than minutes. 1. Go to the official site of python. 2. Then on the menu bar you will see downloads option. 3.If you are windows user then click on windows. 4. Unless if you have other OS then click on that OS. 5. See on the Stable Release Section. 6.Now click on Download Windows x86 executable installer.
Three Easy steps to learn python 1. Take one Notebook. 2. write first hello world code on it. 3. Then practice on your computer or laptops. Do this thing for rest of programs other than hello world. Follow this steps repeatedly you will get the result in 30 days.. definitely you learn python when you follow this steps.
Python Functions Many of Python functions we used, such as the math functions, produce return values. But the functions we’ve written are all void: they have an effect, like printing a value or moving a turtle in python, but they not have a return value.